Healthy Weight Management - Tips for Long-Term Success
KIRKVILLE, MO - January 19 - 25 is National Healthy Weight Week, a public health and awareness campaign that helps people develop healthy habits that last a lifetime in order to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity affects more than 40% of Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important,” states Dr. DeLeeuw, a member of the medical staff at Northeast Regional Medical Group and board certified internal medicine physician and obesity medicine specialist. “Being overweight increases your risk of developing a host of chronic conditions and diseases that can not only impact your quality of life, but shorten your lifespan.”
People who are obese are at increased risk for diabetes, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, stroke, hypertension, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and other breathing problems, and some forms of cancer, including breast, colorectal, endometrial, and kidney cancer.
Dr. DeLeeuw shares four tips for controlling weight.
Focus on Healthy Eating
“First, get rid of the negative connotation of the word ‘diet.’ A diet is just the food that a person eats.” Getting caught up on the idea of going on a diet can increase stress and reduce success. Next, Dr. DeLeeuw explains that you can’t exercise off a bad diet. “Exercise alone won’t aid in weight loss, but it does help maintain what weight a person does lose from making improvements in their diet. Weight loss is made in the kitchen, weight loss maintenance is made in the gym.”
Find a Support Network
Weight loss is often a daunting journey, and having a support network can improve outcomes. “People are more successful when they make changes with a partner who shares a similar goal. This helps maintain accountability toward change,” states Dr. DeLeeuw.
Minimize “Cheat Days”
Another tip that Dr. DeLeeuw shares is that it is okay to celebrate special events occasionally. However, the idea of scheduled “cheat days” does not help someone maintain long-term weight loss goals.
Work with a Health Care Provider
Lastly, Dr. DeLeeuw highlights the importance of working with health care providers who have active interests in supporting a patient’s metabolic health through diet and lifestyle changes. Healthy weights vary between individuals. While Body Mass Index (BMI) scores can help identify an ideal weight range for optimal health, many other considerations such as lifestyle, genetics, and other health factors should be taken into account when determining your ideal weight. It is important for you – and your physician – to examine other health indicators to get a true picture of your health.
Visit to schedule an appointment with one of the providers at Northeast Regional Medical Group.